Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012 - A Year in Review

And what a year it was!

  In January 2012, Nick, Jenny, and Jaxon started their life's adventure by accepting orders and relocating to Vilseck Germany. Vilseck is in the middle of no where in the Eastern part of Central Germany. They have fallen in love with the country and all of it's beauties and traditions, but feel very disconnected from family. They say the are not "home-sick" but they are "family-sick".
They signed up for a three year tour in Germany and will return to the states in January 2014.
In March - Aubrey turned the BIG 18! Happy Birthday Aubrey and welcome to adulthood! This is the baby before and the beautiful girl now!  I love this girl!
In April Diane had a birthday! Happy Birthday Diane!
 In May, Aubrey graduated from High School at Chandler High - and completed her certification at EVIT for Massage Therapy. A high school diploma AND the means to support herself? Awesome job Aubrey!
I am very proud of you.
  In June she received her license and is now a practicing Massage Therapist.

 In July - Cameron had a big quarter-century Birthday! Happy #25 Cameron!  Cameron got to spend his birthday with his dear friend Scott and his darling family!  Great times - Great memories!
 Scott's two adorable children and the BIGGEST kid ever!

  And we got news that a new baby was on the way - Congratulations Nick, Jenny, and Jaxon!   That Jenny - She's so crafty!! 

 In August - For Aubrey's Graduation gift, she was given three choices on how to celebrate...A cruise, a trip to Las Vegas to see Enrique Iglesias, or a trip Southern California to Enrique...and she chose....Door #3, a trip to Los Angeles to see Enrique and J-Lo...and who showed up at the concert? PitBull!  Super exciting time for these guys.

 This trip also included a day at Disneyland,
 a day at Universal Studios,
  and a day at the Beach - Malibu and then on to Santa Monica. Aubrey took her friend Jessica with her, and Mitch enjoyed some of the festivities as well. Now that Aubrey is 18, she had her first hotel stay on her own.

 Mitchell celebrated his 16th birthday and joined Aubrey at the concert and a day at Universal with Mom as his birthday treat!
  September Cito turned 8 years old! I can't believe he is growing up so fast! I love this boy! His Mama planned a very fun "boys" dream party with water guns, a park, and tons of fun!
Nick and Jenny celebrated birthdays during this month too! Happy birthday to all three of you!

 September was also a very big month for me....I bought a house in Mesa...and I am loving it! It's a nice little house in a super quiet neighborhood...I needed some peace in my life and this house is quite peaceful.

  Little did I know, but the house came with a permanent resident - or two - or three....we have an owl that lives in the tree and he's had a couple visitors as well. Only one is permanent, that we know of, but he has had a gray owl hang out and another buddy - same kind of owl, but with lighter coloring. The kids have named him Charles Theodore Owlibaster. I believe anything as rare as having a wild owl live in your tree must be good luck...right?

 October Jaxon turned 3 - Can you believe it? He is a true toddler now - Mom and Dad gave him a super duper party at an indoor party house
  Race track and all! Go Nick Go!

  November brought Thanksgiving - with a few heartaches. Early in the morning, I had all of my food started and getting ready for the day when Cindy called and asked what my plan was for the morning. She said she just got a call from Mom's Assisted Living place and was told that Mom had fallen and they were taking her to the emergency room. I didn't want Mom or Cindy to spend the day alone in the ER, so I joined them in watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade from Mom's hospital bed...and introducing Cindy to "Song Pop". Mom was discharged in the afternoon and we still had time for a nice dinner at Chris's house. Happy Thanksgiving!

  Just after Thanksgiving I got some surprise news - An offer of a work assignment to Germany, Belgium, and The Netherlands! I was told I had to make a decisi0on in 30 minutes, but honestly I'm pretty sure it only took no more than 30 seconds to make that decision. I am leaving January 20th and will be in Germany to welcome Baby Lillian to the family!. Also - I will be there to spend time with Nick before he deploys to Afghanistan in May...This is a 9 month deployment and of course way too long for Nick to be away from his newborn baby, his growing little boy, and his beautiful wife. Mitchell has decided to join me on this adventure. He will be taking all of his high school courses online through Chandler High School so he won't miss a thing and will return to Chandler high for his senior year. We both know how fortunate we are to have this experience and we are really looking forward to learning all that we can about these new cultures, the history, geography, the people, and of course the food that this European adventure has to offer.
In December - I spent a week in Washington DC preparing for my Overseas tour. I will be delivering VA/DOD TAP briefings to soldiers that are out-processing from the military and moving into veteran status. There are approximately 15 Army, Air Force, and NATO bases that I will traveling to during my tour from January to June. What a great opportunity! I can't wait to go!

December brought all of us back together for Christmas. We celebrated our family Christmas at our new house - with all of the extended family and friends as well.

 All the girls!
 Mama and her boys!
 After Christmas – the big kids all had their night out – but so did grandma and the grandboys!  Aunt Cindy and uncle John went with us to the Zoppe Family Circus.  It was a super cute circus that the boys just loved! 

 Cito loved all the amazing tricks! 
 Jaxon saw a girl doing tricks – standing on a man’s head so he thought he’d try that too!

They both loved Nino the clown and Cindy and John bought the Nino hats!
  Getting ready for the grandboys was so much fun.  Of course no Grandma’s House would be complete without the kid-room – located under the stair well and complete with a toy box, rollout bed, TV, WII, Art wall, a bookshelf, and a kitchen!  The boys sequestered themselves for days in here!  Thank you Uncle Cameron for all of your hard work!

 Cito - Livin' Large in the Man-Cave!
 Grandma's House - Whetre Cousins Go to Become Friends!

 Toy Box, Kitchen, and the fold out Couch/Bed!
 The Bookshelf!
  Jenny and Lillian were the guests of Honor at their Baby Shower.  All of Jenny and Nick’s family and friends came to wish them well on the arrival of Baby Lilliam – or as Jaxon would say “Baby Lillilam”. 

 Lots of party fun!  Holmani and Papa were the too!

 Lots of present for Lillian!

And to finish 2012 and ring in 2013 - Tommy proposed to Kendra! We've been waiting for this moment for quite some time - but no one more than Kendra I am sure! Congratulations - it is so nice to continue seeing the family grow!

Merry Christmas to All...

And to All a 2012!

Christmas 2012 brought home all of the kids! Diane, Tony, and Cito from Southern California, Nick, Jenny, Jaxon, and Lilly (although in-utero) from Vilseck Germany, and Cameron, Aubrey, and Mitchell from right here in Mesa AZ!

But 2012 was a great year for our family - start to finish!  
2012 A Year in Review to follow in the next Post! 
Merry Christmas 2012 - Christmas Eve Party

Merry Christmas from the Grandboys - They had the MOST fun in the "Man-Cave" at Grandma's house - although we can no longer call it that after Lillian comes.  Any suggestions for the new name for the kid place at Grandma's house?

 Mitchell and Aubrey - Merry Christmas and a Ho Ho Ho! 
 Cameron and his grifriend Michelle - Incognito - don't tell anyone you've seen them. 

Nick and Jen - True Love!

 Diane and Tony - with a little surprise for Diane - diamond earrings! An anniversary to their engagement gift...He better hurry and marry this girl before he goes broke!
 Mitch, Aubrey, and Mama!
 Aubrey's been naughty?  Nope - Santa still delivered this year! 
Mitch - Robot style!

It's the little boy from home Alone!

Tom and Sunny - I think the arrow is pointing in the wrong direction!  If you know Sunny - she is nothing but super sweet! 

 Mama and her boys!
 Mama and her girls!
 Diane, Tony, and Cito - obvously very very happy!
Cindy and John - and yes - the arrow is pointing in the right direction this time!

 What a beautiful picture!  I love these people!  Ron, Lorna, and John Alfonso.
 Chris and Gary - Jon and Cyndi - and Morgan!  What a great picture of a very sweet family!

 I love this picture of Morgan - She absolutely adores Jon!

 All the kids - Morgan, Cito, and Jaxon - Cito snuck his arm around Morgan - He is claiming this as his first move on a!
 My beautiful Mama!  I love this girl. 

 Jaxon had the best time in the photo booth - I think he tried on every accessory and there were just too many pictures to post - but here are my favorites!

 Mitchell and Aubrey prepared the BEST talent of all - they recorded a duet of "Do You Hear What I Hear" and set the music to an outstanding video of Christ's works.  Such a nice way to celebrate the birth of our Savior.  This was definately a highlight of our Christmas Party!

Four generations at Christmas - Great Grandma, Grandma, Son, and Grandson. 
Sisters - Sisters - There were never such devoted Sisters!  So glad to have my sisters!  I love you both and I am so thankful to share such happy times with the two of you!