Sunday, September 21, 2008

Making Chandler Greater Part 1

On May 3rd, 2008 the Galveston 1st Ward planned a Community Service Project. We turned to the City of Chandler to seek out a neighborhood that needed a little cleaning up. On this day we completed work on 15 houses, delivered food and laundry soap, installed smoke detectors, and made friends with people we may have never otherwise known. About 85 people came to volunteer on this day along with members of the neighborhood who joined in the work. What a Great Day this was! Be sure to come back and see the sequel...Making chandler Greater Part 2, September 20, 2008!

Here is the link to the service project video:

It may take several minutes to download....

Here are just a few pictures:

It all started with a pile of rock....

And more rock!

So, we shoveled rock...All Day!

Only one change to make for the next project...BOBCATS!

Lots of Plants and Flowers...

Lunchtime...this was the best part of the day. Everyone had a chance to share experiences together as we gathered for lunch.

One of the Washington houses - Before

Washington House During....

The Washington House After!

One of the Colorado Houses - Before

The Colorado House - After!

One of the Delaware houses - Before

The Delaware House - During

The Delaware house - After!

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