Thursday, November 5, 2009

I Am Loving My Book Club!

So, some friends have been meeting for over a year in a very informal book club and I've been meaning to go...really I have. I love to read and love to share a really good book after I've read it. So, my friend Kim leaves me a message on facebook that the book club was reading "The Book Thief" this month. Having just finished it, I thought it was a great time to get myself together and start going. Last night was my first night with some old and new friends talking about this book and oh so many other "must reads". I will not miss another book club meeting!

If you haven't already read this must! It is set in the early 40's and was a story about a German family during the Holocaust. A family that did what they could to make a difference. And just a is narrated by death. Not morbidly, just very creatively. I will say no more because you must read it!

Next month is the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society. I am very excited about this one...I have heard so many great things about it.
Other books I am reading: A World Without End, by Ken Follet

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Homecoming - Girls Night Out

Aubrey decided to go to the Homecoming dance this year with a group of her girlfriends. Her friend Jessica came over early in the afternoon to get ready for the dance. Aunt Cindy came over and showed off her skills with Aubrey's up-do while I did Jessica's full head of curls.
They were absolutely "Wow'ed"!

Look at that hair! Each girl spent about 45 minutes on their hair.
Well worth the wait, don't you think?

This is their "Hollywood" pose.

Jessica wanted to show her mom the "new look" before the dance. Then....I dropped them off. At the dance. Now Mom sits here waiting, wondering,'s her first big dance. Yes, I am worried, but I can't wait to hear all the details!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

On our way to Jaxon-Ville

People smile and tell me I'm the lucky one, and we've just begun,Think I'm gonna have a son. He will be like she and me, as free as a dove, conceived in love, Sun is gonna shine above.
And even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with ya honey, And everything will bring a chain of love. And in the morning when I rise, you bring a tear of joy to my eyes, And tell me everything is gonna be alright.
Seems as though a month ago I was Beta Chi, never got high. Oh, I was a sorry guy. And now a smile, a face, a girl that shares my name, Now I'm through with the game, this boy will never be the same. And even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with ya honey, And everything will bring a chain of love. And in the morning when I rise, you bring a tear of joy to my eyes, And tell me everything is gonna be alright.
Pisces, virgo rising is a very good sign, strong and kind, And the little boy is mine. Now I see a family where there once was none, now we've just begun, Yeah, we're gonna fly to the sun.
And even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with ya honey, And everything will bring a chain of love. And in the morning when I rise, you bring a tear of joy to my eyes, And tell me everything is gonna be alright.
Love the girl who holds the world in a paper cup, drink it up, Love her and she'll bring you luck. And if you find she helps your mind, buddy, take her home, Don't you live alone, try to earn what lovers own.
And even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with ya honey, And everything will bring a chain of love. And in the morning when I rise, you bring a tear of joy to my eyes, And tell me everything is gonna be alright.
Mama and Jaxon, loving each other...

Daddy and Jaxon, already planning their first hunting trip. Daddy is telling him all about his Grandpa's hunting tales!
Grandma Sunny...Hal-moh-nee.
Life doesn't get any better than this!

Happy Birthday Jaxon Thomas Uhri!

Happy Birthday Jaxon!
October 15, 2009

First pictures of Jaxon, 1 hour old, 21 1/2 inches and 8 lbs 2 oz, born approximately 2:45 am October 15, 2009, Fort Stewart, GA Army hospital.

Happy Birthday to you,

You were 8 lbs and 2,

Your Daddy loves your Mama,

And you look like her too!

HaPpY HaLlOwEeN!

Nick, Jenny, and Jaxon are decorating for Halloween!

Fun times getting ready for Halloween and the arrival of their Jax-O-Lantern!
October 12, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's the Monster Mash! - Starring...."Aubrey, Mitch, Cameron, Nick, and Jenny"

Ok...we've got the Jack-O-Lanterns, Dracula, Halloween lights, the cats, and....
the Monster Mash!
I think we're ready for Halloween!

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Sunday, September 27, 2009


I had such ambitious goals for this weekend! I was going to pull out all of our very cool Halloween decorations and get the house ready for one of our favorite holidays! Mitchell was down with the flu on Friday, I ended up working overtime on Saturday....and the decorations are still in the garage and it is Sunday you think it's going to happen? Hmmm....clean the bathrooms or decorate for Halloween?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Best Baby Shower Ever!

Jenny came home to Arizona to visit this Summer while Nick was out on field exercises, getting prepared for his inevitable deployment this Fall. We took advantage of this opportunity and had the Best Baby Shower ever for Jenny and Jaxon.

All the Mamas, Grandmas, and Great Grandmas... how fun for Jaxon to see this picture someday... Grandma Lolly, Mama, Great Grandma Reba, Great Grandma Barbara, Grandma Carmen, and Grandma Sunny.

Jenny's "Baby Bump". And she gave her baby bump a's Jaxon!

Drinking Games! Everyone enjoyed the Beer (rootbeer) drinking games...and yes, they are drinking from a baby bottle! Yep...that's Aunt Diane, Aunt Aubrey, Uncle Mitch and Uncle Tommy!

And the winner is....Uncle Tommy! But Aunt Aubrey was so close to taking him down!

Gurgle, burp, gurgle, burp, burp, burp!

Oh what Fun! And as you can just imagine, all these guys needed a good burping when they were done!

Grandma And Grandpa, amazed at all the nice gifts everyone brought for Jaxon!
Eewww....The poopy diaper game! We caught Garrett and Uncle John cheating when they were licking the diapers to see what kind of chocolate bar it was.......
That was just too wrong for pictures!
Uncle Cameron and Aunt Aubrey chillin' on the back patio....

What an awesome cake! Thanks to Grandma Sunny!

Even Jaxon's Grandpa's are in on the Drinking Games!

Grandma Lorna couldn't be here, but she sent this handmade Army camo quilt for Jaxon...I am sure this will be Daddy's favorite quilt!

Grandma Lolly couldn't resist the old school sock monkeys. Hopefully Jaxon will have fun with this quilt.

And here was the highlight of the party...everyone had tears in their eyes. Nick sent Jaxon a gift for the shower. Jenny opened it and just fell apart. He sent a Build a Bear Army dog and when you press his hand, Nick's voice says "Daddy loves you, Jaxon". Jenny also received a similar bear when she and Nick began dating, with a different message of course.
It was a very tender moment!

This was just too cute!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Showing Our Independence

This 4th of July weekend was nice and quiet. Mom and I were undisturbed most of the weekend, but we did manage to get to Cindy and John's house to wish John a Happy Birthday and have an awesome Summer BBQ dinner with family and friends. Mitch and Aubrey spent the weekend camping with their dad. I can't wait to hear their camp stories!

Jenny arrived this weekend and will be in Arizona for the next six weeks while Nick is on a field Trip - although I don't think that's what the Army calls it. I think they call it field exercises? A field trip makes it sound like so much more fun. I am sure Jenny is chatting with him as we dip our toes in the pool.

Happy Birthday John! He is enjoying his new pool toys that he got for his birthday.

Cameron was also celebrating his 22nd birthday this weekend. He took a trip to Disneyland. Rumor has it that he got Mickey's House....ended up on the back lot? Is this true Cam?

My lazy weekend actually produced this darling quilt made especially for Jaxon Thomas. I hope he likes it as much as this monkey likes it!

Jenny and I had one more fun activity this weekend. We made the baby shower invitations. They are so cute! Make sure you let me know if you didn't get yours! What a fun weekend!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Cameron!

Happy Birthday to you,

Disneyland Welcomed You,

You had fun like a Kid,

Even though you're Twenty Two!

Love you Cam!
Happy Happy Birthday!

Don't Make Me Get My Flying Monkeys!

Friday July 3rd Mitchell, Aubrey, Cindy, John and I went to see the musical Wicked. We've been waiting so long to see it and it was well worth the wait. It was beautiful, funny, sad, and so much more than we expected. The story has really changed the way I will watch the Wizard of Oz in the future, and I am not sure I like it or not? Hmmmm. That movie has always been one of my all-time favorites since childhood and now I really can't be afraid of that wicked old witch anymore. But you know, the monkeys will always scare me! It is a must see from all of the critics in our house!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails.....

We have so much to catch up on, but I am going start with the best news first. Nick and Jenny are expecting a Baby Boy! They haven't decided on a name yet, but they will find just the right name for him. Congratualtions Nick and Jenny!

Today, Nick, Jenny, Mitch, and Aubrey are packing to go to Disney World tomorrow. A trip they've all been waiting a lifetime for. Mitch and Aubrey left for Georgia to visit Nick and jenny last Wednesday. They'll be there for a total of 2 weeks with 6 days at Disney World. I can't wait to see how many "Hidden Mickeys" Aubrey can find to share with Cameron!

Mitchell got his first "Straight A" report card. Wow...Congratulations Mitch! I am so proud of you. I am also very worried that when you get to your honors classes next year, you'll be too smart for me to keep up with you and helping you with your homework! Mitch also got a buzz cut while visiting gotta be really careful when you get too close to an Army might just loose your hair!

Aubrey made it to the Symphony Orchestra next year - Whoo Hoo! This will be her sophomore year at Chandler High. Congratulations Aubrey! I can't wait to hear you play again...I've missed it since you've been gone!

Cameron is living in California...San Diego. He's probably surfing more than he is working hard and is still working on his military enlistment. He did get a new car and it is HOT HOT HOT, or at least that's what the paint job said when he bought. No siad HOT HOT HOT on both sides of the car! He's fixed that now, and loves his new VW Cabriolet!

Diane is studying hard and trying to make her required classes fit into the limited schedules the California colleges are offering. Due to the economy, they are cutting back on Summer class offerings. She is so determined, I know she will find a way to make it work, I just hope it is easier, not harder for her. Cito is recovering well from his taxi cab accident. He still has his cast on, but Diane says he is walking on it and hasn't complained too much. I love that boy! He will start Kindergarten in the Fall so Grandma needs to get busy and help Diane get him ready with new clothes for his new school. He's going to love the light-up Cars tennies I found!

Mom is doing so much better after the last horrible few months. After her fall and fracturing 2 vertebrae, she is ready to come home from Rehab this week...She didn't want to go to Rehab...She said No No No. But she went and it has definitely paid off. We are looking forward to her homecoming. Love you, Mom!

We'll be planning a baby shower for Jenny in July...can't wait to celebrate this new baby!