Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nothing But Catching Up

It's been way too long since I've updated my blog, so this is Nothing But Catch Up!

We've moved into the new house. It's been almost 2 years and we are finally feeling like things are back to normal. Wow, 2 years of our lives that has been out of control. Although it seems like we've lost alot in that time.....Mitchell was the one to point out how many good things come from one bad experience:

We love the Ward we live in.

We have met new friends, neighbors and people we never would have met.

We have a new house....with a pool!

Aubrey has new best friends.

We are closer to Christ.

We have Cha Cha and Diega (only a few of us see that as a good thing, though)

We have brought Mom back home to share our home with.

Christmas was quiet this year. We missed Diane and Cito, we thought they would be here and they had last minute changes...but it's all good. Hopefully we'll see them very soon. We missed Cameron, Jenny, and Nick. They had their very first Christmas in their first home at their first duty station. But this time it was Cameron who brought reality and promise to the family...he said "You really need these kinds of Christmases to appreciate the times when all of the family does come together". You gotta love these kids!

Right after Christmas, we moved in to the new house. We love it! Simple, but oh so very comfortable. We are ALL happy to be here. Mom seems happy...as long as I keep her trekking to the grocery store. It's usually 3-4 times a week, multiple stores per outing catching the best sales, the best coupon deals, and of course...the best foods.

Mitch loves his bedroom. He says it over and over again! He loves his new bright red Ipod he got for Christmas. Aubrey loves her bedroom. She doesn't tell me so much, but she loves to have her friends over and she loves to hang out in her room. She loves her new green chocolate phone she got for Christmas.

I am ecstatic! I set my sewing machines up. And, although I lost my hoops and software for the embroidery machine in our crazy move, I've recycled some things on Ebay so I could re-purchase the things I lost. My machines are up and running and I've already been able to make a few gifts! Whoo Hoo!

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