Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mommy's Taking Us to The Zoo! Jacksonville October 2011

What a way to finish up a birthday weekend -

A trip to the Jacksonville Zoo with Uncle Tommy, Mama, Daddy, and Grandma.

Mommy's taking us to the Zoo tomorrow, Zoo tomorrow, Zoo Tomorrow,

Mommy's taking us to the Zoo tomorrow and we can stay all day...

We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo - How about You, You, You?

You can come too, too, too - We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo!

Look at the Giraffe just eatin' up the trees, eatin' up the trees, eatin' up the trees...

Look at the Giraffe just eatin' up the trees - We can stay all day!

We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo - How about You, You, You?
You can come too, too, too - We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo!

Look at all the crocodiles swimmin' in the water, swimmin' in the water, swimmin' in the water...

Look at all the crocodiles swimmin' in the water - We can stay all day!

We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo - How about You, You, You?

You can come too, too, too - We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo!

Yes! Mommy's taking us to the Zoo tomorrow, Zoo tomorrow, Zoo tomorrow,

Mommy's taking us to the Zoo tomorrow - and we can stay all day!

We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo - How about You, You, You?
You can come too, too, too - We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo!

We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo - How about You, You, You?
You can come too, too, too - We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo!

Good times being two! This was Jaxon's first Zoo trip...and I am certain it won't be his last!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Whew - Two already? Happy Birthday Jaxon!

Jaxon is Two!
This is one happy Grandma...I would not have wanted to be anywhere other than with this happy little two year old on his birthday. He was surrounded by all of the birthday festivities, treats, presents, friends, and his family on his special day.
Happy Birthday, Jaxon!

Mom, Dad, and the Birthday Boy!

Jaxon and Grandma had something going on....inseparable the entire visit.
Jaxon just adores his Mama....such a wonderful party....Thank you, Mama!

This year Jaxon was very interested in the Life of SpongeBob...So, this cupcake cake was very appropriate for this second birthday!

Birthday Cake for the Birthday Boy!

WOW! This is the luckiest boy I know...Piles and piles of presents!

Of course...he went for the BIG SpongeBob bag first!
Mommy's friend Stormi made this darling birthday shirt!

After the party, it was these two motorcycles all week long...and the purple goes on the left and the green goes on the right...because that's where Jaxon wants them....every time!
Cracks me up!

Party Favors....I can bet every boy and girl will want to come to Jaxon's party with goodies like these! Good job, Mama!

And then there was Silly String!

Yeah....Birthday Boy was not digging the Silly String....

Mama got Daddy!

And Daddy got Jaxon!

Daddy's friends couldn't keep their hands off Jaxon's new toys...

And Mama's friends are just too funny....and pretty cute!
What a great Birthday this two year old boy had!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Back to School + Great Choir Concerts = A Great Start to a New School Year!

This is Aubrey's senior year and it is her 4th year in the Chandler High choir. Mitchell is in his sophomore year and decided to join the choir this year for the first time....tonight was their first concert together. Aubrey is in the Advanced Women's choir and Mitchell is in the Men's choir and Chorale. The music was beautiful and they sang to a full house.

Nice job, Mitchell and Aubrey!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Little of This and A Little of That...

Time to catch up again....

Things that have happened in 2011:

January - Cameron moved back to Arizona! So happy to have him home.

February - Happy Birthday Mom!

March - Happy Birthday Aubrey! Work travel - Teaching in Baltimore

April - Happy Birthday Diane and Cindy! Cito had a very successful muscle transfer surgery. He had a muscle surgically removed from his back and placed into his right arm so that he could have a greater use of this arm. He made it through with flying colors and new stronger muscles!

From Diane: Funny thing Cito said the other day, "Mom I think I am getting used to using one arm." What a trooper! I guess he is no longer mad at me. :)
Good news is that now he has use of two arms! Whoo Hoo!

Easter Fun with Morgan!

May - Trip to see Nick, Jenny, and Jaxon. We spent the weekend at Hilton Head and had a really fun time....Jenny - Do you have pictures of the bubble bath? I wish I had one to post.

Mother's Day - Happy Mother's Day, Mama!

June - Happy Birthday Chris! Jenny and Jaxon came to Arizona for a visit. Jaxon loves the swimming pool and has quickly taught himself to swim - or so he thinks!

Work travel to Virginia - blah

July - Happy Birthday Cameron and John! Happy Fourth of July to our Army Soldier and his Family - Nick, Jenny, and JaxonWork travel to Philadelphia - blah

Happy Birthday, Cam!

August - Happy Birthday Mitchell!Work travel to Cleveland - YIKES!

September - Happy Birthday Jenny, Cito, Nick, and Jon! Diane and Cito came to visit and we had a chance to share Cito's 7th Birthday along with my niece Allison's birthday. Allison left AZ to head up to BYU Idaho to start her college career! Good Luck Allison! Mitchell had his first Orchestra Concert of the year - Nice work, Mitchell!

Happy 7th Birthday, Cito!

Happy 18th Birthday, Allison!

First orchestra Concert of 2011/2012

And all the girls just LOVE Mitchell! Lucky guy...he must be doing something right!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Having Ourselves a Merry Little Christmas! 2010

This Christmas was a rather special Christmas! The Chandler 9 was able to gather together and share the Christmas spirit...
It's the first time we've all been together during this
spectacular Holiday!

Diane, Luisito, and Tony came to visit from Northridge, CA. Nick, Jenny, and Jaxon came to visit from Fort Stewart, GA (Nick came home from Iraq on December 3 - safe and sound!), Cameron came home from San Diego. Aubrey, Mitchell, and I were ready and waiting in Chandler for the bunch to arrive!

Christmas Eve we gathered at Cindy and John's home for our traditional Christmas Eve Family and Friends gathering....where everyone comes with a ton a food, a goofy gift to exchange, and a talent....or at least what we like to call a talent.
A few of us have true talent and most of us just try really hard to come up with something...anything!
Cindy played Christmas Carols and accompanied the Christmas version of "Don't Forget the Lyrics" (Chris and Gary's talent)
John and Lorna...doing the most important task of the evening...preparing the eats! As always, we had too much and it was all so yummy!
Two...oh so very handsome....young men. Doing a little Christmas in Arizona pre-party on the balcony.
So happy to have Cameron back home in Arizona. We've missed this face! Welcome home, Cameron!
Grandma Reba's taking Jaxon for a spin...not too sure if he can keep up with her!
The circle of unwrapping!
This is a "kid favorite" game that we play every year. One gift is wrapped a bazillion times and passed around the circle, each child taking one turn to unwrap the gift. The last one to unwrap gets to keep the gift...but no one can predict who's going to win because no one knows exactly how much a bazillion really is! Trevor represents the Vigiletti family by winning a $10 McDonald's gift card in this game!

Cameron, Aubrey, Mitchell, and Jaxon...taking a break from all of the festivities in the movie room...watching Toy Story 3
This is a crazy game...first you have a vanilla wafer on your forehead and the first one to work it into their mouth...without the use of hands....wins! Who's going to take this one???
(Looks like Luisito has Diane and Tony to cheer him on!)
Everyone is watching....
He almost has's a close race...will he get it???
And the winner is.....Luisito!

Luisito and Jaxon in their matching
Christmas morning jammies!

We absolutely DID have ourselves a very
Merry Christmas in 2010.