Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Little of This and A Little of That...

Time to catch up again....

Things that have happened in 2011:

January - Cameron moved back to Arizona! So happy to have him home.

February - Happy Birthday Mom!

March - Happy Birthday Aubrey! Work travel - Teaching in Baltimore

April - Happy Birthday Diane and Cindy! Cito had a very successful muscle transfer surgery. He had a muscle surgically removed from his back and placed into his right arm so that he could have a greater use of this arm. He made it through with flying colors and new stronger muscles!

From Diane: Funny thing Cito said the other day, "Mom I think I am getting used to using one arm." What a trooper! I guess he is no longer mad at me. :)
Good news is that now he has use of two arms! Whoo Hoo!

Easter Fun with Morgan!

May - Trip to see Nick, Jenny, and Jaxon. We spent the weekend at Hilton Head and had a really fun time....Jenny - Do you have pictures of the bubble bath? I wish I had one to post.

Mother's Day - Happy Mother's Day, Mama!

June - Happy Birthday Chris! Jenny and Jaxon came to Arizona for a visit. Jaxon loves the swimming pool and has quickly taught himself to swim - or so he thinks!

Work travel to Virginia - blah

July - Happy Birthday Cameron and John! Happy Fourth of July to our Army Soldier and his Family - Nick, Jenny, and JaxonWork travel to Philadelphia - blah

Happy Birthday, Cam!

August - Happy Birthday Mitchell!Work travel to Cleveland - YIKES!

September - Happy Birthday Jenny, Cito, Nick, and Jon! Diane and Cito came to visit and we had a chance to share Cito's 7th Birthday along with my niece Allison's birthday. Allison left AZ to head up to BYU Idaho to start her college career! Good Luck Allison! Mitchell had his first Orchestra Concert of the year - Nice work, Mitchell!

Happy 7th Birthday, Cito!

Happy 18th Birthday, Allison!

First orchestra Concert of 2011/2012

And all the girls just LOVE Mitchell! Lucky guy...he must be doing something right!

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