Thursday, November 27, 2008

There is so much to be thankful for....

First of all, I am thankful for my family. I love all of you very much.

I am thankful for my family's health...

I am thankful for the job that I sometimes hate to go to...

I am thankful for the dirty house I have to clean...

I am thankful for the freedoms we go to the church of our choice, to speak freely and to be active participants in our government...

I am thankful for the beauty around me, the warm sun, the purple skies, and the tall mountains...

I am thankful to know so many wonderful people...

I am thankful for the relationship I have with my Father in Heaven...

Thanks to everyone who has touched my life.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I Will Stand Steadfast and Immovable - Girls Camp 2008

Aubrey had the chance to go to girls camp this summer with two of her best friends, Amber and Sarah. The theme this year was "I will stand steadfast and immovable". Based on the pictures and stories they brought home, they must have had the time of their life! Here are just a few of the 433 pictures they took....
It's time for the ward skits...they had to find the best dancers at camp. Of course, they found Aubrey and Sarah.

All the girls in the wings getting ready for their stage performance.

Looks like lunch!
Best Friends, Sarah, Aubrey, and Amber!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Sunny Days, Sweeping the Clouds Away....

Whew...Finally! We are moving into our new home. After almost two years in our "temporary" apartment, we found a home. Big enough for each one of us and Grandma too. We are staying in the same ward boundaries and the same school boundaries for the kids. Although we are moving in the middle of Thanksgiving, we'll be settled in by Christmas, just in time to enjoy a visit from Diane and Cito. This house has a diving pool in the backyard, so Aubrey can get as much practice as she needs for the Chandler High Dive team next year.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Good Night, Indiana Kitty

Indiana Kitty says goodnight to all today.

He has been sick for the last week or so, diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection. After fighting hard to overcome it, he just couldn't fight anymore. He said his final goodnight. He was one of those cats that was just "cool". We thought he was a dog in cat's clothing. He would sit down and eat dinner (your dinner) with you, one of our favorites was artichokes. He would come racing in when you called his name. He would just kind of hang out with you. Indiana came to us when he was about 4-5 weeks old. We always said that you can take the cat out of the alley, but you can't take the alley out of the cat. He was the BEST stray cat....Ever.
Goodnight, Indiana Kitty. We love you.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Halloween Now and Then

Happy Halloween! I am posting a few Halloween pictures, now and then to get ready for Halloween fun. I can't wait to post this years Halloween pictures!
Cito is getting ready to be a GhostBuster for Halloween 2008. Diane made the darling hat and gear and soon he will have his GhostBuster jumpsuit. Who ya gonna call? CITO!
Here is Fire Marshall Mitchell. This was during his Kindergarten year at McEachron Elementary School in Topeka Kansas in October 2001.
Aubrey has always enjoyed dressing up as Disney characters. On Halloween 2006, she dressed up as..... well I guess the picture really tells her story. She is serving up a "Spoon Full of Sugar" for trick or treat.This Halloween 1996, Nick had to be Wolverine. We couldn't find the outfit in a size bigger, but he was NOT going to compromise. So, with the suit fitting very snuggly, he is Wolverine, Superhero! Cameron had the best make up I have ever seen for Dracula. I can say he scared a few trick or treaters that night!

Mr. and Mrs. Uhri in Georgia

Nick and Jenny have found a new home in Georgia. They have their very first home together as newlyweds. They live off base, but just outside of the base gates in Hinesville GA.
Nick and Jenny in Downtown Savannah Georgia

Uhri Family Living Room...Gee that furniture looks can't be mine though because mine is still in storage.

The new dining room.

Nick, getting ready for Sniper training...luckily he is not going to Sniper School, least!

Cito's Birthday Pictures

You have all been asking about Cito's birthday pictures. Here they are! Here is our 4 year old boy at his Spiderman birthday. Wow, he's getting big!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Jon!

Happy Birthday Jon....I hope your day is Wonderful! Rumor has it Knight Rider premiers tonight? How could your day get any better than that? Ooohhhh, All the things I was your love for Kit. Have a great time, Have a great Day, I love you!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Nick!

Happy Birthday Nick!

I asked Nick what he was doing for his birthday. He told me he was going to do some Sniper Training. Hmmm...I hope he at least gets a little cake with that. I know Jenny will make sure that he does!

Nick I hope your "Sniper Birthday Party" is the Best Ever!

That theme just never crossed my mind when I was planning all of his childhood birthdays. He did have a Cowboy party, a Clown party, a Superhero party, but I never thought to plan a "Sniper Birthday Party" for him. Maybe we should suggest this theme to Martha Stewart? Have fun Nick, we all love you and miss you terribly! Love Mom, Cam, Aubrey, and Mitchell.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Making chandler Greater Part 2

Making Chandler Greater part 2 - September 20, 2008. Here we are, same neighborhood, 4 months later, and a whole lot bigger! The Galveston 1st Ward did a great job in May and this time we decided to invite other Wards, another Stake, Eagle Scouts, and other businesses in the community to participate in this project. When game day came around, we had 30 homes to work on and 12 City easements to beautify. We had approximately 350 volunteers. We had 8 project teams, with two of the teams led by Eagle Scouts. We had over 25 children that were cared for while their parents worked on the project. Rumor has it, there will be a Making Chandler Greater Part 3. Be sure to let me know if you would like to participate!
Here is the video from September 20, 2008!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Making Chandler Greater Part 1

On May 3rd, 2008 the Galveston 1st Ward planned a Community Service Project. We turned to the City of Chandler to seek out a neighborhood that needed a little cleaning up. On this day we completed work on 15 houses, delivered food and laundry soap, installed smoke detectors, and made friends with people we may have never otherwise known. About 85 people came to volunteer on this day along with members of the neighborhood who joined in the work. What a Great Day this was! Be sure to come back and see the sequel...Making chandler Greater Part 2, September 20, 2008!

Here is the link to the service project video:

It may take several minutes to download....

Here are just a few pictures:

It all started with a pile of rock....

And more rock!

So, we shoveled rock...All Day!

Only one change to make for the next project...BOBCATS!

Lots of Plants and Flowers...

Lunchtime...this was the best part of the day. Everyone had a chance to share experiences together as we gathered for lunch.

One of the Washington houses - Before

Washington House During....

The Washington House After!

One of the Colorado Houses - Before

The Colorado House - After!

One of the Delaware houses - Before

The Delaware House - During

The Delaware house - After!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Cito is 4 Years Old!

Happy Birthday Cito! You are 4 years old today! We all hope that you will have the BEST Birthday Ever! We love you and miss you, from Grandma Lolly, Mitchell, Aubrey, and Cameron!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Chandler 6 Family

Well, we have been the Chandler 5 since the five of us (Mom, Nick, Cameron, Aubrey, and Mitchell) moved to Chandler, AZ in September 2004 from Topeka, KS. Since we have recently added Jenny to our Chandler clan we'll have to call ourselves The Chandler 6 Family. Be sure to keep checking our blog for family news and new additions to our Chandler Family!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Jenny!

Happy Birthday to You! We miss you Jenny, and hope that you are having a spectacular birthday in Georgia! Love to you....Mom, Cameron, Aubrey, and Mitchell - Chandler AZ

Monday, September 1, 2008

2012 Olympic Dive Team

Aubrey and Amber are practicing for their dive team, Chandler High Wolves. Catch them in action.....they are offering autographs at your request....these autographs will be much harder to come by in 2012 at the London Summer Olympic Games!

"Indiana Jones - Adventure Kitty" The Movie

Starring: Indiana Kitty

Indiana Kitty, protector of the Family and all of their long as it all stays inside the house. Outside the house, they're on their own...Indiana Kitty does not dare to venture in the outdoors....(it makes him a little nervous!)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mitchell is 12!

On August 4th, Mitchell turned 12 years old. This was a huge milestone for Mitchell. Yes, he is now an official 'tweener, but more notably, he has reached the age in which he is able (and very willing) to receive the Priesthood. On August 17th, Mitchell was ordained a Deacon in the Priesthood of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Ward was ecstatic as they now have a Deacon in the Ward. They have been without for the last few months. He is now a member of the Young Men's and Boy Scouts. Congratulations Mitchell!

For his birthday, Mitchell received some wonderful gifts...a Nintendo DS from his Brother Nick, a Science Experiment Book from his brother Cameron, Money from Grandma which he bought a photo software program, Money from Aunt Cindy and Uncle John which he bought a Wall-E robot, Heely's from Mom and a home made birthday cake from Aubrey and her friend Sarah. What a Great birthday!

Wedding Bells Are Ringing!

Congratulations Nick and Jenny, August 18, 2008

Exchanging rings...The circle of our love is more than just a rising sun that sets, the circle of our love, it goes forever. The circle of our love begins with now and every promised dream.... in God's eternal plan, it goes forever.

The new family....Nick and Jenny's parents......wishing love, hope, and happiness
to their children !

The Grandmas!

Two happy couples...Thank you Cindy and John for hosting!

Uh Oh! The Chandler 5 has now become the Chandler 6!

For more wedding pictures, visit:

Homecoming August 15, 2008

A Soldier's Welcome! Nick's family was waiting his arrival at the Phoenix airport on August 15, 2008. He had just successfully completed his Basic Training as well as his specialized training as a Cavalry Scout. His family left to right....Uncle John, Grandma, Mitchell, Mom, Jenny (fiancee), Aubrey, and Cameron.

Nick and Jenny.....very happy to see each other!

Mitchell made this welcome sign, letting Nick know how much he missed his big brother!

Aubrey and Cameron....busy showing off their artwork which they designed to welcome their brother home.

Jenny at Fort Knox for Family Weekend June 2008

In June Nick was given a weekend pass from the base at Fort Knox. They were allowed to have a family member sign them out and take them off base. Jenny, Nick's fiancee at the time, went to visit Nick for his Family weekend. It was this weekend that they decided to firm up their plans for marriage and start planning their future together!

Nick had been on base with no sign of civilian life for two and half months. As soon as he and Jenny drove off the base he called me. I asked him where he was....he said Dairy Queen! After months of the food at the lunch line I was curious what he was going to order...He said "Mom, it doesn't matter what I order....the point is that I am at a Dairy Queen!" He was so happy to see Jenny and to have those little things that we all take for granted every day.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Chandler 5 Says Goodbye to Nick

Laurel, Mitchell, Nick, Aubrey and Cameron. In February 2008, The Chandler 5 became the Chandler 4 and Fort Knox 1. All of our Family and Friends came together to say goodbye to Nick as he soon left for basic training as a Cavalry Scout in the US Army.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hello Blog World

Hello from The Chander 5! Nick, Cam, Aubrey, Mitchell, and Laurel.