Wednesday, March 18, 2009

For Some Must Push and Some Must Pull....

Early morning gathering of the pioneers.

It looks like I might be pushing Aubrey out the door and pulling her out of the car to get her going...but in the end, I bet she'll have a wonderful time!

It's time for Aubrey's pioneer trek. She leaves early tomorrow morning to strat her journey and live as the pioneers did as they crossed the plains. I've heard there will be pioneer food....soup water with carrots, pioneer games, and testimony meetings. Good luck Aubrey! I hope you have an experience that you will cherish throughout your life.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Fun and Fancy Children's Items on Etsy!

Well, now that I am going to have a new Grand Baby, I started doing a little sewing. Then I got excited and stuff just started building up. So, I decided I would try to sell some of the things I have created while I wait...ever so patiently...for this new baby.

I started to list some things on . Here is a link to my shop - LollyRagz:

Go Take a look...remember my little shop when you need a baby shower gift or if you are ever lucky enough to be a grandma, just like me!