Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Combat Action Badge, February 5, 2010

Nick was awarded the prestigious Combat Action Badge while serving in Iraq. While on a mission, his vehicle encountered an Improvised Explosive Device (IED). No US Soldiers were injured, but a civilian Iraqi truck driver was injured and in need of medical attention. The Combat Medic on Nick's vehicle responded to this driver. Due to their response actions and bravery in a combat situation, they were recognized with the Combat Action Badge.
The Combat Action Badge (or CAB) is a military badge worn in the U.S. Army. The emblem features both a M9 bayonet and M67 grenade. The Combat Action Badge may be awarded to any soldier after the date of September 18, 2001 performing duties in an area where hostile fire pay or imminent danger pay is authorized, who is personally present and actively engaging or being engaged by the enemy, and performing satisfactorily in accordance with the prescribed rules of engagement. Award is not limited by one's branch of service or military occupational specialty, but is only authorized for wear on U.S. Army uniforms.

Jaxon's 100 Day Birthday Party!

In Korea, a child's 100th day is celebrated. There was a time when the infant mortality rate was very high and it was believed that if an infant survived until his 100th day that he would live a long and healthy life. After all of Jaxon's early life's struggles, he has made it to his 100th day! Congratulations and Happy 100th Day, Jaxon!

Mama loves her 100 day old boy!
Although she wishes Daddy was here to share in the festivities.
Both jenny and Jaxon miss their Soldier!

Jaxon's Halmoni, Sunny, prepared this wonderful party. She coordinated the restaurant, the food, and the blessings that were offered from her church leaders.
There was a buffet of traditional Korean foods, many prepared by Jaxon's Halmoni.
Sunny shared her own story of when she was an infant and her parents discovered that she had a heart problem. Her parents prepared a huge feast in celebration of her 100th day!

Jenny and Nick's families came to celebrate!

May Health and Happiness always be with you, Jaxon.

Get Ready for Cito - He's a Rising Star!

This was Cito's big night on stage. If you can't see him, he is at the far right on the first row. Be sure to check out the video version of his first hit Christmas sing "Jingle Bell Rock" and get a preview of his new hit single "Frosty the Snowman" by clicking on the links below.

Click on the links to see his videos:

Goodnight Grandpa John December 16, 2009

Nick and Grandpa November 2009
Diane and Grandpa September 2009
Cameron and Grandpa October 2009

"How to measure a man's worth? Not his wealth, not his possessions, nor the land he owned, but by the lessons he had to teach and the caring way he could guide you from the worst to the best of times. By the way he could make you feel with just the crack of a smile, warm words, and a warm heart. May many take note, and ask "What's My Worth?". Many loved you, many will miss you. I love you, Grampy". Love, Cameron Uhri

Nick's Deployment to Iraq - December 17, 2009

What a good looking soldier! We love you, Nick!

Nick deployed on December 17, 2009. He reported to the base at Fort Stewart early in the morning to begin his journey. He left to go into Hunter Field near Savannah, only to wait for hours and hours for a plane to be repaired. Eventually, they brought in another plane, and again, more repairs. They ended up waiting in Savannah overnight and departing late the next day. It was so hard knowing Jenny and Jaxon were just a few miles away and he could not see them.

From Hunter Field they flew up into New Brunswick, on to Germany, and eventually into Kuwait. He stayed at the base in Kuwait for a couple of weeks until they traveled to Baghdad. He stayed at the base in Baghdad for a couple weeks then onto his permanent (for now) base near Mahmudiyah.

Jaxon's Baptism

Jaxon's Baptism - November 29, 2009
Nick, Jenny, and Jaxon on their way to Chandler's Korean Christian Church for Jaxon's Baptism.
Jaxon was Baptized at the church that Jenny and her mother attend.
After the Baptism, they church offered a wonderful traditional Korean meal.
What a great day this was for Jaxon and his family.

All of Jaxon's Aunts and Uncles attended his Baptism. Uncle Cameron, Mommy,
Aunt Diane, Uncle Tommy, Daddy, Aunt Aubrey, adn Uncle Mitch.

It's ThanksChristmas at Our House!

Thanksgiving 2009
We had a great time this Thanksgiving with lots of family visiting, a new baby, good food,
and a farewell to Nick as he deploys to Iraq.
In this photo: Gary, Cindy, John, Jenny, Jaxon, Nick, Aubrey, Mitchell, Cameron, Laurel, Tyler, Chris, Chad, Daniel, Ruth, Dennis, Cito, Diane, DJ, Tony, Jonathan, and Angie.
Thanksgiving guests not pictured: Jon, Lorna, and Ron

The family girls....Aubrey, Jenny, Diane, and Laurel

The family guys....Mitchells, Nick, Jaxon, Cameron, Cito, and Tony
....and yes, this was the best picture of the guys!

All My Children....Diane, Nick, Cameron, Aubrey, and Mitchell

Jaxon is thankful for alot of things, but mostly he is thankful for his Mommy!
Jenny is such a wonderful mother and I am so happy that Nick made such a good
desicion in choosing Jenny as his wife!

Grandma Lolly with her boys! I love you Cito and Jaxon!

Apples to Apples, Family fun on Thanksgiving evening!

More fun and games!

Happy Halloween!

I spent Halloween in Hinesville, Ga this year. Of course, a visit to Georgia was necessary because Grandma just couldn't wait to hold her new grandbaby, Jaxon!

Jenny and I took Jaxon Trick or Treating to see his daddy at work.
I think Daddy got the treat this year!

I made this pumpkin outfit for Nick when he was a newborn at Halloween. It was so much fun to see Jaxon in his daddy's costume 24 years later! Jenny says she will save the costume for another 24 years or so if she has to....she may have a grandbaby that will use it!

And every child needs their own costunme one Halloween! Jaxon is a Very Hungry Caterpillar!
Happy Halloween to all!