Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jaxon's 100 Day Birthday Party!

In Korea, a child's 100th day is celebrated. There was a time when the infant mortality rate was very high and it was believed that if an infant survived until his 100th day that he would live a long and healthy life. After all of Jaxon's early life's struggles, he has made it to his 100th day! Congratulations and Happy 100th Day, Jaxon!

Mama loves her 100 day old boy!
Although she wishes Daddy was here to share in the festivities.
Both jenny and Jaxon miss their Soldier!

Jaxon's Halmoni, Sunny, prepared this wonderful party. She coordinated the restaurant, the food, and the blessings that were offered from her church leaders.
There was a buffet of traditional Korean foods, many prepared by Jaxon's Halmoni.
Sunny shared her own story of when she was an infant and her parents discovered that she had a heart problem. Her parents prepared a huge feast in celebration of her 100th day!

Jenny and Nick's families came to celebrate!

May Health and Happiness always be with you, Jaxon.

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