Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nick's Deployment to Iraq - December 17, 2009

What a good looking soldier! We love you, Nick!

Nick deployed on December 17, 2009. He reported to the base at Fort Stewart early in the morning to begin his journey. He left to go into Hunter Field near Savannah, only to wait for hours and hours for a plane to be repaired. Eventually, they brought in another plane, and again, more repairs. They ended up waiting in Savannah overnight and departing late the next day. It was so hard knowing Jenny and Jaxon were just a few miles away and he could not see them.

From Hunter Field they flew up into New Brunswick, on to Germany, and eventually into Kuwait. He stayed at the base in Kuwait for a couple of weeks until they traveled to Baghdad. He stayed at the base in Baghdad for a couple weeks then onto his permanent (for now) base near Mahmudiyah.

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